Summer Learning Camp (Ages 4-10)

The morning academic programs vary each week. Students may choose to do all weeks a course is offered or just one week. Period Morning snack and lunch are included.

To register, proceed to Summer Camp Registration . You can visit our Camp FAQs page for answers to commonly-asked questions.

Hours: 8:00 am until 12:30 pm
Cost: $300 / week (all camps)
$180 / week (July 2-4)
$240 / week (August 5-8)
Math Exploration (Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-7) Math Exploration (Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-7)

This five-day math adventure will get your little ones excited about math! Each day students will participate in an individualized, fun and enriched program. Math Exploration allows students to gain confidence and enthusiasm through the use of hands-on numeracy games and activities that make learning fun and exciting. Students have the opportunity to work with their peers, individually, and one and one with their teacher to enhance and strengthen their math skills. The program prepares each student for school success.
July 2 - July 4
July 14 - July 18
July 28 - August 1
August 11 - August 15
Read Ahead (Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-7) Read Ahead (Ages 4-5 and Ages 6-7)

The Read Ahead program will give your little ones the opportunity to strengthen and enhance their reading and writing skills. Each day students will be part of a fun, individual, enriched program that will include interactive word games, reading and acting stories, creating poems, and singing songs. Your child will have the opportunity to build a strong foundation in reading and writing that will assist them in becoming confident and proficient readers and writers for the school year.
July 7 - July 11
July 21 - July 25
August 5 - August 8
LEGO Camp (Ages 6-10) LEGO Camp (Ages 6-10)

Your little camper will embark on a week-long adventure with LEGO! Builders will learn basic building techniques, build and create from their imagination, and take part in various LEGO building challenges. All students must provide their own LEGO. One XL ZIPLOC bag is recommended.
July 14 - July 18
August 11 - August 15
Math Confidence (Ages 8-10) Math Confidence (Ages 8-10)
During the Math Confidence course, each participant will complete a personalized math program that is designed to strengthen and expand their math skills. In addition to guided practice, participants will take part in hands-on activities, brain teasers, and math puzzles and games which help the students gain a deeper understanding of abstract concepts.
​July 27 - July 31
Mad Science (Age 8-10) Mad Science (Age 8-10)
Embark on a week-long Science Adventure! Explore and discover science through a variety of topics that involve hands-on designing, building and testing of your own inventions. The focus of this course is to explore many science concepts within a small group, building self-esteem and confidence. Science Explorations topics include structures, movement (planes, trains, and cars), electricity, changing matter, and astronomy.
July 20 - July 24
​ August 10-August 14
Language Arts Proficiency Program (Ages 8-12)  **NEW** Language Arts Proficiency Program (Ages 8-12) **NEW**
Our LA Proficiency Program is a structured, nurturing program that will increase your child’s organizational skills, boost their confidence and help them to develop good work habits. Some of the areas that will be covered in our program include:
  • Reading Comprehension Skills
  • Spelling
  • Short Stories/Essay/Novels ( identifying themes, main ideas, symbolism, etc.)
  • Written Expression ( essays, short stories)
  • Enhance Writing Skills ( thesis statements, sentence structure, paragraphs)
  • Organizational Skills for Writing
  • Note Taking Skills
  • Grammar Skills ( punctuation, word choice, writing for detail, enhancing vocabulary)
  • Penmanship ( printing and cursive writing skills)
  • Oral Presentation Skills
  • Writing Speeches/Important Elements of A Speech
July 20 - July 24
August 4 - August 7