Registration Information
- To Register: Call Kanata Academy at 613-599-5399.
- Prerequisites: A prerequisite course provides knowledge required for a subsequent course. Before you register, check the information in the course description to determine what the prerequisite course is, if applicable. You must provide Kanata Academy with evidence that you have completed the prerequisite course by sending a copy of your report card or transcript to If you do not have the exact prerequisite, but have completed a similar course in another province or country, you may be eligible for a prerequisite waiver. You may also be eligible if you have earned your high school diploma, are a mature student, or have academic experience that is related to your course. If this applies to you, please submit the completed Prerequisite Waiver Application form to your
AMG1O, Guitar
AMU1O, Music
ATC1O, Dance
AVI1O, Visual Arts
BTT1O, ICT in Business
CGC1D, Geography of Canada (Academic)
CGC1P, Geography of Canada (Applied)
ENG1D, English (Academic)
ENG1P, English (Applied)
FSF1D, Core French (Academic)
FSF1P, Core French (Applied)
MFM1P, Mathematics Transfer Course
MPM1D, Principles of Mathematics (Academic)
MPM1H, Principles of Mathematics (Applied)
PPL1O, Healthy Active Living Education
SNC1D, Science (Academic)
SNC1P, Science (Applied)
AMU2O, Music
ATC2O, Dance
AVI2O, Visual Arts
BTT2O, ICT in Business
CHC2D, Canadian History Since WWI (Academic)
CHC2P, Canadian History Since WWI (Applied)
CHV2O, Civics and Citizenship
ENG2D, English (Academic)
ENG2P, English (Applied)
GLC2O, Careers
MFM2P, Mathematics Transfer Course
MPM2D, Principles of Mathematics (Academic)
SNC2D, Science (Academic)
SNC2P, Science (Applied)
AMU3M, Music (University/College)
ATC3M, Dance (University/College)
CHW3M, World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century
EMS3O, Media Studies
ENG3C, English (College)
ENG3U, English (University)
GWL3O, Designing Your Future
HRT3M, World Religions
HZB3M, Philosophy: the Big Questions
MBF3C, Foundations of College Mathematics
MCF3M, Functions and Applications
MCR3U, Functions
PPZ3C, Healthy For Life
SBI3C, Biology (College)
SBI3U, Biology (University)
SCH3U, Chemistry
SPH3U, Physics
AMU4M, Music (University/College)
ATC4M, Dance (University/College)
BBB4M, International Business Fundamentals
CGW4U, Canadian and World Issues
CHI4U, Canada: History, Identity and Culture
CHY4U, World History: West and the World
ENG4C, English (College)
ENG4U, English (University)
EWC4U, The Writer's Craft
HHH4C, Famalies in Canada (College)
HHH4U, Famalies in Canada (University)
HSB4U, Challenges and Change in Society
MAP4C, Foundations of College Mathematics
MCV4U, Calculus and Vectors
MDM4U, Mathematics of Data Management
MHF4U, Advanced Functions
OLC4O, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
SBI4U, Biology
SCH4U, Chemistry
SPH4C, Physics (College)
SPH4U, Physics (University)