Frequently Asked Questions

This page is intended to answer a few of the most common questions. Please contact us if you want any additional information.

Where is your school located?

180 Huntmar Drive, Ottawa, On K2S 1B9

What is your contact information?

Telephone number: 613-599-5399
Fax number: 613-599-0556

What are your hours of operation?

Monday to Friday – Regular school hours are 8:45 am - 3:15 pm, and before / after school hours are 7:30 am - 8:30 am and 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm.

What grades does your school have?

Our school has classes from Preschool, Junior/Senior Kindergarten, Grades 1-12.

How many kids are in a class?

There are between 10-14 kids in a class, depending on the grade. Preschool has a maximum of 24 students and 3 teachers.

Do students in your school wear a uniform?

Yes, all of our students wear a uniform. We have two different uniforms: a dress uniform and a physical education uniform.

Does your school follow the Ministry of Ontario curriculum?

Yes. All of our teachers are certified and follow the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Ontario.

Can you accommodate students with learning challenges?

We believe that all students are capable of learning when provided a safe, structured and supportive atmosphere. While we do modify programs to suit individual learning styles, we do not provide one-on-one classes during regular school hours.

Does your school have a lunch program?

Yes. We provide a daily menu, and you and your child can fill out a lunch form online and send payment.

What is special about your school?

Our school provides a safe, bully-free, structured learning environment for your child. Our family-like atmosphere assures that our teachers develop a trusting relationship with your son or daughter. Our class sizes are small and students get the attention they need to achieve their learning potential.

How much is tuition and what other fees can I expect to pay?

All of our tuition rates and additional fees are listed on our website.

What are the costs of the before and after school programs?

The extended care rates are listed on our website.

How do you keep my child safe during the day?

Our school is locked from 8:45am to 3:15pm. No one except our staff has keys to the school entrances and exits. We have safety policies in place, including a “lockdown procedure” to keep your child safe at all times.